Harvard Business Review recently had an article about how asynchronous work can fuel creativity:

It got us thinking about how we are at a point where businesses are still trying to figure out the future of remote work. At the height of the pandemic, it was necessary, but now that we are past lockdowns and stay-at-home orders, many business executives are wondering, what truly is the best way for people to work?

And honestly? The results are all over the place.

The fact is, remote-first work will look different across industries and businesses, and your operations will also look different depending on what direction you choose. Instead of figuring out which end goal will work better for you, take a look at your processes and how you can optimize them to reach each goal.

After comparing your findings, you may find that remote-first may not be best suited for your business, even if that’s what you would prefer. On the other hand, you may find that remote processes will help you save on operational costs and can lead to better service for your customers.

There is value in both synchronous and asynchronous work environments. Every business has different goals and there is no one-size-fits-all solution. If you’re not sure how to optimize your processes, whether it be for remote, hybrid, or in-office work environments, schedule a consultation with IMS today and we’ll chat!