You might have heard that workflows can help automate your business. But how?

Workflows consist of three major parts: input, transformation, and output. Let’s use laundry as an example. To clean your clothes, you need to input the dirty clothes and detergent, then take specific actions to transform them into the output, which is clean clothes.

Now, you could manually transform your dirty clothes into clean clothes by stomping on them in your tub and rinsing them until the soap is gone, OR you could throw all your clothes into a machine that has been programmed to follow certain steps and do the washing for you!

There are systems in your business that can be programmed the same way a washing machine has been programmed to wash your clothes, but it’s difficult to figure out which tools to use if you don’t know the exact steps required to achieve your tasks.

Although IMS can’t help you do your laundry, we’d love to help you find the right “washing machines” for your business! Reach out to book a consultation today.